Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Say ADIOS to fatigue & hunger!

Have you ever found yourself hungry shortly after breakfast with a grumbling tummy at your 10am meeting? Or how about loading up on extra coffee or energy drinks just to stay awake and alert throughout your day at work or otherwise? I used to be an avid coffee drinker and some days would find myself drinking 3 or more large iced coffee's from Dunkin Donuts and not noticing any difference in my fatigue. Avid coffee drinker that is until my stomach could no longer handle it. These days one sip of coffee is enough to give me pretty moderate abdominal pain and reflux for hours. Needless to say, despite my prior love for coffee I had to sustain from drinking it (decaf as well) and decided to do some more in depth research on it. Now, I wouldn't drink coffee even if I could, but that's really besides the point now isn't it? 
Another thing that was always happening to me is even if I felt that I was doing well by simply eating breakfast, I would always end up with that empty, hungry feeling all over again about an hour later. Once that happened it felt as if I couldn't catch up with my hunger no matter how much I ate or drank that day. 

Well, today we are ALL saying ADIOS to those hungry and fatigued feelings that we have throughout the day by finding out how to start our days off the right way, and keep it that way!

#1) You MUST eat breakfast :)
I can feel the even stares now... "Yes, Ariel, we all know how important it is to eat breakfast!" But do you actually eat breakfast? Do you know the foods that are not only going to help keep your hunger satisfied as well as keep you alert and focused all while helping with your fat loss?
Breakfast is important because just as a car needs gas to move properly, so do we! Also, just like a car there's many parts to our bodies that all come together to make us work properly. Great analogy - I KNOW!

#2) Know which foods will help power your body.
I'm going to give you a list below of some of the foods that can help power your body with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, protein, etc. so that you can start your day off with a bang and have energy as well as help ditch the fatigue!

    Citris Fruits (&Vitamin C) - There's several studies out there that prove the power of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). Studies show that Vitamin C may help treat allergy-related conditions such as asthma & eczema, boost immunity system functions, maintain healthy gums, decrease in blood sugar in people with diabetes and help reduce the effects of sun exposure such as a sunburn, just to name a few. Of course you can obtain Vitamin C from many other sources like broccoli, tomatoes, raw leafy greens, cranberries and cantaloupe  however, in many cases just the smell of citrus can help increase your level of alertness. 

    Salmon - This super fish is JAM-packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, it's super lean and it's delicious! Because it's packed with Omega-3's it has the ability to help cognitive, behavioral and memory-related symptoms on top of it's other great health benefits. Also, don't stray away because it's a "fatty" acid; Understand that too many fats can lead to damage of your health, however, some fats are vital in maintaining good health and these types have many benefits!

    Eggs - Eggs are rich in something called choline. Choline is part of the B-Vitamin family and was named after the greek word chole.  It is found in not only the liver and pancreas, but also in every human cell! This vitamin has multiple benefits including energy replenishment, metbolism boosts and lowers inflammation. Eggs are also rich in protein, an amino acid that aids in proper growth and function of the body which can also help you stay fuller, longer.

    Beans - Beans are full of cholecystokinin, a digestive hormone that is actually a natural appetite suppressant. This will help you feel full longer as well as give you more protein and B-vitamins to help keep you alert while keeping your blood sugar levels stable. In a study at the University of California at Davis, researchers state that a study of 8 men shows that their levels of cholecystokinin were twice as high after eating a meal containing beans than after a low-fiber meal.

    Pears - These juicy babies (pears) are now noticed by the FDA for having 6 grams of fiber per medium-size fruit. Apples are now coming in at 2nd place with about 3 grams a piece. Pears (as well as apples) contain something called pectin fiber which aids in decreasing blood sugar levels, and because blood sugar spikes can cause you to feel hungry, this helps avoid snacking and the dreaded grumbly tummy! A Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks showed that overweight women who ate 3 pears or apples per day lost more weight than women who were on the same diet, but eating 3 oat cookies per day instead of the fruit.

#3) Ditch the COFFEE!
Okay, If you must have your coffee, at least have it in moderation and with a glass of water at the same time. Many times the first thing people want (and get) in the morning is a cup of coffee that they will devour. Too much coffee causes a surge in your metabolism followed by a CRASH. This isn't good for your metabolism, your fatigue or your body in general. 
Generally, when you wake up you're already dehyrated, but coffee is actually a form of diuretic which can lead to further dehdration and thus, further fatigue. Not to mention that while coffee does seem to have a few pros, it is contraindicated in my opinion by many cons

#4) H2O
Being dehydrated can cause fatigue, headaches and dizziness just to name a few things, so when people tell you to drink lots of water it's really not just about the hype or the stereotype. Water can re-hydrate you, improve the condition of your skin, help you lose weight adn help get rid of the dreaded, sluggish 2:30 feeling. **HINT: Add lemon wedges and cucumber slices to water to give you a refreshing, crisp, anti-inflammatory, appetite suppressing drink! Don't forget to try adding in extra things such as mint leaves or raspberries & limes :)** 

After doing loads of research for this and even learning a few things myself today, I have come up with a delicious-sounding breakfast idea I think we should all try!

---->Scramble 2 eggs with your desired choice of seasoning and set aside when done. Saute black beans, onions, and peppers (spicy &/or sweet) - cook till soft (not mushy), add eggs back in and for a finishing touch add in a few cherry tomato halves! Serve with 1/2 grapefruit and Cucumber Lemon H2O.... VOILA!

I really hope you  enjoyed today's topic & post... I know I had fun writing it! 

As always, 

**Please remember to follow me by clicking to the right of this post to be notified whenever I post something NEW! Also, leave any questions or comments you may have down below :)  

Monday, August 19, 2013


I've come across many people that still believe that carbohydrates are all bad, and there's also people that no matter how much research is done and how much they read or hear on the subject, they will always feel that all carbs are bad. Let's start with some questions you might have...

What is a carbohydrate?
A carbohydrate can be any member of a wide variety of natural compounds that includes sugar, starch and cellulose. Cellulose, however, is classified as a "complex carbohydrate" and consists of 1,000-3,000 or more glucose units per linear chain and is not digestible by mammals, including humans.
            Sugars are classified as "simple carbohydrates" and are any of many sweet,                                colorless organic compounds that dissolve in water and are derived from seed plants                  and the milk of animals. Sugars (who's names end in -ose) are the simplest of sugars                  and the most common (that you may recognize because of their frequency of use) are                  sucrose, glucose, fructose and of course the ever so popular lactose which you may                    know due to the frequency of it's intolerance in many human bodies. 
             Starches are any of many white, granular organic compounds that are produced by all                  green plants. Commercial starch is made from corn, wheat, tapioca, potato and rice                    starches. Starch not only has many uses in the food industry, but is also used in paper,                personal-care products, adhesives, explosives and others.

Aren't all carbohydrates bad for you?
No. Carbohydrates actually play one of the largest parts when it comes to our bodies energy supply. Truth is, you may think you can live without carbs but your body knows you can't. If your body consumes zero carbohydrates it could lead to hindered brain function/focus, lethargy, overall decreased performance and other health problems. If you're planning on living a healthy lifestyle, whether you're looking to lose weight, maintain your weight or just work on becoming more fit and lean, then you will need to incorporate "good carbs" instead of the bad ones. 

What are the good and bad carbohydrates?
Good Carbs consist of whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and other forms of intact carbohydrates and deliver essential vitamins, nutrients and fiber while promoting good health. These are also known as the "complex carbohydrates" because it takes the body longer to process the sugars which helps keep the blood sugar levels stable as oppose to constantly spiking to highs and dropping to lows.
Bad Carbs are any easily digestible carbohydrates consisting of white bread, white rice, pastries, sugary sodas/soft drinks and other highly processed foods that can interfere with weight loss as well as contribute to weight gain and diabetes(which can be linked with many other serious health conditions). These are also known as "simple carbohydrates" because the body processes them easily and causes fast, high spikes in blood sugar levels.

What's the deal with whole grain anyway?
Whole grains should be exactly as it sounds... WHOLE! Instead you probably find yourself walking up and down what seems to be countless isles at the grocery store reading labels of 100's of products that claim to be whole grain. Truthfully, I'm not sure what about Lucky Charms is whole grain and I will most likely end up trying to ask GE what the deal is with that. You can take whole grains how you want to and do your own research on it if you'd like, but my opinion is that whole grains are things such as rice, quinoa and the like - Grains that are legitimately in their whole form in front of me, not whole at a factory then ground to be used in my food.

I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE salad! I must have been a rabbit in my previous life... I have to tell you though, one thing I hate more than anything is when I order a salad or say I like it to someone and they say, "Eating salads doesn't make you skinny". Has anyone else had that happen to them or am I all alone here? I feel like asking them, who said I wanted to be skinny? I can faithfully no longer say that I want to be skinny but instead want to be healthy, fit and lean. I want to have curves... Curves of muscle for days girl! So many girls(and even some women) feel that skinny  is in fact sexy and that when they are skinny nothing else matters because they're beautiful. If I ever went to a runway show I would sneak backstage and sneak the girls some FOOD. I understand that some people are indeed underweight and have a really hard time putting on weight for a few different reasons, however, there's a difference. So many women in the fashion industry are told that if they are larger than a size 0 or 2, then they don't make the cut, or someone that's a size 4 or 6 is considered a plus-size model... REALLY? 
Well that escalated quickly...........
Moving on... The other thing I hate when someone says that to me is it just makes me start thinking; Are they calling me fat? What did they think I would say/order? What makes them think I'm on a diet? Do they know that not ALL overweight women are on "diets"? Does this person think I'm ignorant? I mean in all seriousness, I consider that disrespectful on all levels.
I brought this up because some people think that salads are unhealthy or they think that salads are healthy no matter what. Both of the statements are actually false. A salad can be a great source of fiber, vitamins, nutrients and energy when made with the proper ingredients and topped with a light dressing(not the bottle in the store that says fat free). However, let's say you have a nice bed of greens with cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, etc and then you go ahead and top it off with crispy fried chicken, ranch dressing and croutons; While this does sound ever so delicious and believe me when I say I've done this at least 100 times before, you've just killed your salad and the fettuccine alfredo is now calling your name. Opt for a small piece of lean fish(or no-added sodium tuna packed in water, not oil) topped with a homemade vinaigrette or a organic light dressing that isn't creamy instead!

While you should still be paying attention to what you're eating while trying to lose weight and change your lifestyle just remember that the good carbs are great (especially the fruits and vegetables) but don't go overboard. Eventually, you will be picking out snacks and making delicious, healthy meals without a flinch because you'll be so use to it. Don't give up! 

Question of the Day: What are your thoughts on carbs? Let me know in the comments below!

As always,


**Please follow my blog by clicking to the right of this post to be sure you'll be updated whenever I post something new! :) And don't forget to leave me any questions or comments down below!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting Back Up

Hey there! How's you're weight loss journey going? Have you fallen off track? I can tell you I've fallen off track...many times. Truth is there is no track specifically laid out for any one and to get through this journey and make it to the end you have to get down and dirty and make a path for yourself. Sometimes you might feel as though your weight has plateau'd, you may get discouraged if you don't see the pounds dropping as quickly as you'd liked or you "get off track". If you feel any of these things are happening to you, just know that's it's okay! If you feel as though you've plateau'd or you're not losing the weight as quickly as planned, first make sure you're setting realistic goals for yourself. As long as you are, then maybe a few tweaks have to be made. Are you being cautious of what you're eating? Are you aware of the difference between good carbohydrates and bad ones? Are you exercising? These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself when you're hitting a road block. Now, if you really feel as though you've fallen off track the first thing you'll need to do is sit back and remember that there really isn't one - you're in the process of making one! This is something that has taken me a little while to really understand. "Gotta get back on track", I keep saying... Wrong. "Gotta get back up" is what I should be saying, and what you should be saying as well. Maybe you've lost sight of your goals or got so wrapped up in life that you blame everything on being so busy and having no time. Painful reality is that if you don't make time, there will no longer be a busy life to live. I was very proud of myself today when I felt myself get back up - I know that I will not be home Monday through Wednesday this week for lunch so I have 3 salads and fruit for snacks ready to go. This way I have NO excuses. 
If you're anything like me and you just LOVE your bad carbs (pasta, bread, desserts, snacks) then this whole journey may be a little bit tougher... okay, a lot tougher. Just know that when this is all said and done and you've finally met your goal you will feel emotional, empowered and strong because although their may have been bumps in the road, you plowed your way through. 
Something you have to ask yourself is, How bad do you want this? No one can make you do something you don't want to do and you won't make it anywhere if your mind isn't in the right place. If you really, genuinely want to lose weight, get healthy and fit and stay that way you have to want to. Compare it to smoking... It doesn't matter if your on a patch, taking a pill or avoiding the convenience store as much as possible - if you're not in the right mindset and more importantly if you don't want to quit then you will continue with your bad habits until you are truly ready. 
I remember going to Weight Watchers meeting with my mom when I was younger. I had to get a note from the doctor saying that it was okay for me to go because I was in fact under the age limit and even then I weighed more than 1/2 the women there. Some people say getting on a scale in front of a stranger or in front of someone else forces them to face reality and stay focused. I say that it's degrading... A gold star on a bookmark looking thing for 5, 10 15, 20 pounds lost, etc. If I wanted to get on a scale in front of someone else and talk to someone about it while paying money every week, I could have just gone to my doctor's office (and probably paid less with my $20 co-pay). I do not mean this to down Weight Watchers because I know people that have been successful on the program whether it be going to meetings or strictly online, however I for one am not one who can count points on everything I eat. I know I'm not alone when I say I really don't like to count anything and considering I've lost 53 pounds thus far, I'm not going to start counting now. I am, however, aware of my nutrition labels which I look at before an item even goes in my grocery cart. Just because 100 calorie packs only have 100 calories doesn't mean their good for you... In fact they are terrible for you because normally they will accommodate for lost calories with added fat, sugar, sugar substitutes, etc. The best way to go when it comes to snacking (or eating your smaller meals) is to eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein. Just keep in mind that although fruits are oh so delicious and contain natural sugar, it is still sugar. 
So I guess this was slightly more rambly than I had planned, the moral is never give up because where there is a will, there is in fact, a way.
If you aspire to be an Olympic gymnast  and fall off the balance beam during practice, are you going to just sit on the mat or are you going to get back up and try again? ... I thought so.

As always,


**Please remember to follow my blog to stay updated on future posts and leave comments below with any questions you may have or stories you'd like to share :) I'd love to hear them.**

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Recipe Time; [GLUTEN FREE] Chicken Stir Fry in 5 Easy Steps!

Hello there everyone! Tonight I made a delicious, healthy and most importantly satisfying dinner for my grandmother and I. I had Chicken Stir Fry over rice with a cucumber and tomato salad.
Here is a picture of my delicious masterpiece before I absolutely devoured every last piece!
I know that this looks super easy to make, but that's only because it is and I want to let you know how you can re-create this!

1 cup Organic California White Jasmine Rice
1 1/2 cups Water
1 Tbsp Spray Butter 
1 tsp Goya Adobo Seasoning 
1/2 pkt Goya Sazon Seasoning
Stir Fry
1 pkg Fresh Chicken Strips
6-8 Snap Peas
1/4 Red Onion Roughly Sliced
1/3 Green Pepper Thinly Sliced
1/3 Red Pepper Thinly Sliced
4-5 Broccoli Florets
                                                                                    1 tsp Adobo Seasoning
                                                                                    1 tsp Chili Powder
                                                                                    1/4 tsp Fresh Cracked Black Pepper 
                                                                                    ~2 Tbsp Tamari Gluten-Free Soy Sauce
                                                                                    1 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1. When making this dish I began by cooking the rice which just consisted of added all of the ingredients into a small pot and bringing it all to a boil on high heat. After the mixture has come to a full boil, give it a good stir, top it with a tight fitting lid, turn the heat down to low and allow it to simmer for about 15 minutes. 
*Rice can be very tricky to cook and is often a hit or miss even for me and I've been doing it for years! To help make the rice a hit you must remember to stir frequently to avoid sticking, burning, etc.*
2. As the rice was cooking I added 1 Tbsp of the cocunut oil to a large non stick skillet and allowed it to met on medium-high heat; Once the oil was completely melted and the pan was hot I added in my fresh chicken strips, Adobo, chili powder and black pepper. Tossing the chicken strips every few minutes allowed them to get evenly coated with seasoning as well as evenly cooked. Remember - these chicken strips are thin and will only take about 8-10 minutes to cook depending on the temperature of your stove. 
I then removed the chicken from the pan and placed it in a bowl on the side. 
*Stir Rice*
3. Then, I added another 1/2 Tbsp of coconut oil to the pan and allowed it to melt. When the oil was just about melted I added in my snap peas, green pepper, red pepper, broccoli, red onion and additional Adobo, pepper and/or chili powder to taste (optional). Tossing the veggies every 1-2 minute or so *Stir Rice* and after about 6 minutes of cooking I added in the Tamari. 
*Stir Rice*
4. After adding the Tamari I tossed the veggies again and covered the mixture and allowed it to cook for approx. 2 minutes. 
*Stir Rice*
5. Lastly, I added the chicken we cooked earlier back into the stir-fry mix, toss and allow to cook and combine for 5 additional minutes.
*Stir Rice - Remeber that if at any point you stir your rice and it appears and tastes to be done - TURN IT OFF! Lol*
Plate 3/4 cup of rice in a slight bowl-like pattern and put 1/4 of the stir-fry mix on top. Top with additional sprinkling of Tamari if desired.

The only other thing I did while everything else was slam bammin' on the stop was cut up 2 mini cucumbers thinly and on the bias, as well as 5 Cherub Cherry Tomatoes(cut in half) and topped with a dash of salt and pepper and a drizzle of my favorite Nature's Promise Organic Italian dressing. (OPTIONAL)

It may seem like a lot of steps and a lot of work when written out this way, but honestly this dish only took me about 30 minutes from fridge to table! It was super delicious, fulfilling and best of all... Healthy (aside from the Salt content, which I do not recommend for anyone with cardiac problems or any one on a low-salt/cardiac diet for any reason - if you would like lower sodium alternatives please leave a comment below and I will be sure to get back to you!)

Please try this recipe, I promise you won't regret it :)

As always,

* Many of you may, or may not know but I am gluten sensitive so any Recipe I post will be completely gluten-free unless specified
**These are just the ingredients, seasonings and methods I used to make this dish - The possibilities are endless! Try out you're own version by adding in or taking out certain things.

Let me know what you think in the comments below and let me know if there any recipes(gluten-free) you'd like to see, learn how to make, or find a different/healthier twist on!

As always please follow this blog to stay updated on my posts and join The W8 Loss Journey<3

Friday, July 26, 2013

Food Labels & Calorie Counting

Have you ever read a label that said it was low-fat, nonfat, sugar free, etc? Chances are you have if you've been into a grocery store of any kind in the past 10 years or so (at least). What you may not know is that just because something says it's nonfat, sugar free or whatever the case may be, does not mean that it is healthy. Actually, In most cases the product tends to be less "healthy". Generally speaking, when a company puts the words sugar free on their product it means that their is some sort of sugar substitute. One of the most common sugar substitutes used today is called aspartame. If you're not familiar with this, aspartame (aka Nutra Sweet and Equal) is made up of 2 amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. You'll find this in many foods and beverages, all or most claiming to be "sugar free" or "diet" versions of a product. Aspartame is actually 200 times sweeter than regular sugar thus giving a desired sweetness level if you will, with using much less product and therefore giving an item less calories. Here's where it gets tricky; Most people don't know that food companies are trying to trick you into thinking that their product is healthier so that you will be more likely to buy it (and feel good about it). Diet soda for example says on the label that it has 0g of sugar, and while that may be true it does still contain aspartame, the ingredient that has been shown to have carcinogenic (cancer) causing agents. In my opinion soda simply isn't good for you whether it be diet or otherwise, but that is a topic that will have to have a post all to itself. Today I opened up a container of yogurt that my grandmother bought for me. It was Dannon's Light & Fit 80 calorie, cherry, greek yogurt. Although it was delicious, it said  "fructose, sucralose and acesulfame potassium" right under the large print "NONFAT YOGURT" print. So let me get this straight... Dannon has managed to trick people into thinking that this 80 calorie yogurt is actually good for them? Come on!
Another topic I wanted to touch on was the importance of calorie counting and how, in fact, I think it's a terrible idea. A man named Jason (health and fitness consultant) I met that spoke at a seminar a few months back said that one of his friends was trying to start "dieting" and one day had 200 calories left to spare. Instead of taking an avocado offered by Jason, the man informed him that an avocado has too many calories as he proceeded to scoop out two full cups of the quirky candy hearts you can find around Valentine's Day to finish off his day. Because the avocado may have had more calories (which I can't exactly picture anyways) than the candy hearts, this man felt that the candy was actually a better choice in this scenario! 
Long-story short, if you are constantly counting calories but not actually focusing on what you're putting in your mouth, you'll never reach your goals! I think we can all agree that it would be better for you to have a salad with a homemade or organic dressing as appose to eating a bowl or two of pasta. I'd also like to put a little note out there stating that eating salads online will not make you lose weight. If you're going to have tons of salads (and make them your meals) like I like to, you need to find ways to get protein and carbohydrate into it. For instance you can have a salad with romaine lettuce or mixed greens topped with grilled chicken strips or tuna  and corn, along with any other toppings/veggies/fruits you'd like. For a dressing you can have apple cider vinegar with oil and salt and pepper for nice tangy bite. Instead of having fried chicken with a side of noodles, you can make a salad with you're favorite kind of lettuce, veggies, a few gluten free pasta noodles and baked chicken all topped with your favorite organic dressing. I am going to start giving you some recipes that I've tried and loved!

In the meantime, just remember that because one thing may say it has no sugar/fat and is healthier for you, doesn't mean there's not a better and more fulfilling option out there that won't weigh you down and bloat you.

Until next time

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Abercrombie RANT & my top clothing store picks!

I remember saying in a previous post that I had heard about the head guy of a store like Hollister saying that he only wants cool, attractive people in the stores clothes. He also said that they don't make plus sizes because plus size=fat="un-cool".
 I finally found the picture & quote from the CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, Mr. Michael Jeffries (Google him). 
The fact that he can say that Abercrombie and Fitch doesn't carry over a size 10 because anyone over a size 10 doesn't belong in their clothes, is extremely BALLSY! The picture above him is a real picture of him with the quote he said when asked the question. He also has the audacity to say that Abercrombie & Fitch is "exclusionary". As far as I'm concerned they can be as exclusionary as they want... How many stars and celebrities do you see wearing Abercrombie and Fitch? NONE. Looks like they're pretty exclusionary too. Even if I ever was thin enough to fit into these clothes, I wouldn't ever wear them after hearing this reply. I have much more respect for the companies that cater to ALL sizes and making sure that they provide a pretty decent variety of trendy, stylish and flattering clothing for everyone. 

I've done a little research by looking on different websites of common stores and finding out what companies offer plus sizes, even if they have to be ordered online.

American Eagle: I was super surprised about this one but I have to say a good job to American Eagle for this one! Women's shirts go up to a size XXL and pants/shorts go up to a size 18!
Old Navy: I've known about this for quite some time because quite a few of my clothes actually come from here but they have an exclusive "Women's Plus" section on their website that has sizes ranging from 18-30!
Forever 21: Not really a surprise here, this store has been pretty great straight from the get-go as far as sizes & pricing! Online has a special tab for women's plus with shirts up to a size 3X, pants up to a size 20 & even boots (with a wide calf option) up to size 12!
H&M: Not sure about in-stores, but the online site has an H&M Plus section. Not a huge variety as of the moment, but it passes for me still giving options up to size 24. They have great options for business casual tops as well.
Alloy: A completely new find for me, but looks like it's going to turn into a favorite real soon! Great clothes and great size variety - One shirt I looked at went from a size XS to a size XXXL, WOW!
B&Lu.com: Another new find here - seems to have a decent variety of clothing which happens to be stylish and trendy. They cater to sizes anywhere from 12-30! 
Ashley Stewart: Feel like I'm repeating myself.... But here's another new find! Turns out the closest one to me is almost 2 hours away which is probably why I haven't found it yet, but the online store looks like it has super cute and super sassy clothes for any occasion! They have sizes 12-26 and all of their clothes online are modeled on proper plus size models... Love it!
Lane Bryant & Torrid: Not necessarily catering to all sizes but definitely catering to my bigger ladies out there! Two completely different stores with completely different styles. I happen to absolutely LOVE both stores! The prices are not the greatest but your definitely paying for quality either way here! If you haven't already - you've gotta check these out!

Wet Seal has a Jr.Plus section to their website which is said to be available in select stores right now... I just don't feel as though it's a great selection. This one's gonna be a thumbs down for me... Although I did get a pair of killer heels there one time!
Hollister didn't make the cut and is currently right up there with Abercrombie & Fitch in my mind.  Hollister only has up to the following sizes for: Women - Shirts: L ; Bras: 36(D) ; Bottoms: 9!
Men - Shirts: XXL and Pants: 36x34
Clearly I'm more impressed with the Men's sizes here, but it doesn't take away from the fact that girls are given an image that they should be looking like the anorexic runway models... Get f****** real here.....
Urban Outfitters: Just another disappointment when it comes to a variety of sizes...

You will get to your goal weight eventually... But as I always say it WILL NOT happen overnight. So while you're transforming definitely check out some of my thumbs up shops!<3

So I hope you enjoyed this & I truly hope it helps you out some, because I know that aside from shoe shopping, clothes shopping is probably my least favorite thing to do!
Let me know how you liked it and also what your opinions on any of these stores are if you've ever been to them! 
If you have any other stores that you like and I haven't listed... Help a girl out & post it in the comments below(:

As always,

Let's get real...

One of the biggest obstacles of changing your life, losing weight and getting into shape is learning how to recover when you get off track. I feel that the biggest reason people become unsuccessful at changing their lives for the better is because if they feel as though they've gotten off track with their meal plans, portions, exercise regimens, etc. and they're not quite sure how to get back on track so that's when I find most people simply give up. 
Today is my weigh-in day and I can tell you right now that I'm not looking forward to it because I know I've been off track for about half of the week, but I am looking forward to it because that's my motivation to keep going. It's like my brain telling my mouth that it better cut the BS and get back on track unless I want to keep living the life I am and end up going in full speed reverse. When you get off track, take a few minutes to realize and understand what caused you to get off track in the first place. For me, this week turned out to be extremely stressful and everyday I got home from work I was completely drained with no ambition to really cook anything that I really should have been eating. I ended up eating gluten and felt like I should turn it into an experiment - this way I can always go back and remind myself of the things gluten causes in my body & also to give you some more information. 
I believe it was Thursday at work and I knew I didn't really want what I had at home for food and truthfully just wanted a Jr. cheeseburger from Wendy's. I went out and got myself that cheeseburger and it was SO good... But then I did the same thing again for lunch on Friday. For one lunch at Wendy's I had a whopping 1,070 calories and 55 grams of fat (not to mention all the gluten). Most of the time when I'm craving a cheeseburger I'll have one at home(usually chicken burger) or at my mom's house but occasionally I will go to Wendy's/McDonald's and opt for the worse version. This time I ate way more than I should have and it wasn't satisfying as I sat at work completely bloated for the rest of the day which continued for the rest of the evening. As most of you may already know I am actually gluten sensitive! So on top of adding in these foods that were already horrible for my body, I added in items that medically make me ill. Gluten causes me to have bloating, abdominal cramping/pain, bowel irregularities, worse migraines, lethargic/dragging feeling and more. So as you can imagine I haven't felt good since about Thursday, which is no one's fault but my own. I didn't have a meal already prepared and when I did I simply didn't want what was made. 
Something that most of you are actually very unaware of is that gluten(wheat, rye, barley, oats and malt) can not only cause gastrointestinal troubles, but can also put a huge damper on your weight loss and cause so many other problems without you even realizing it (because you may just be so used to it) which I talk about more in my Gluten blog(CHECK IT OUT!).
What you need to do after you get off track whether it be for one meal or one month is literally just pick up where you left off. However, you may want to try adding in some new flavors or ways of cooking things to help broaden the spectrum of food you'll be eating as not to get bored with your choices. Time to jump back into the swing of things because I promise that you will feel so much better while eating healthier foods... Foods that are natural and not processed, have low carbohydrates and high protein content, etc. Also, don't forget to stay moving.. I know, I know how difficult it can be to get moving for some people, including myself at times. Whether it be walking around your neighborhood or workplace for even a half hour or so, parking in the furthest spot away from the entrance to the store or trying out some sit-ups and push ups while your watching TV at night. 

Today's post is very realistic but you have to know that this is NOT going to be an easy ride and you will have your ups and downs. Just remember that, that's what makes this a journey and a lifestyle change. You'll get there, it just won't happen overnight.

As always,

*I am not a doctor, I am just a normal person with opinions based on my body & experiences as well as facts obtained from research. Please remember to consult your physician before starting any type of weight loss regimen.*

Somebody help a B**** out?


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Do you know how to hit a home run?

Well hello there gorgeous Lillys!

First off, I have to apologize for my absence. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in almost a week! Sometimes the beautiful thing we all call life gets in the way... Or does it just seem that way? So for the past week I've definitely gone through some stress and disappointment. I noticed it was starting to get me down and certainly wear on me like tires doing burnouts. Over the past few days I've begun to realize something that is so, so important. No matter what life throws at you, you need to put a smile on, pick up your bat at hit it out of the park. Life is not easy but  whether you're religious or not just remember that your dealt your hand of cards for a reason. It's because whoever made your life possible (and I'm not talking about your parents) knew that you were strong enough to keep pushing through the obstacles and make it to the end - successfully! If you let your stress (no matter how drastic) get you down, you're letting your cards decide your destiny, not yourself. YOU have the power to do what you want to do, when you want to do it and however you wish to do it. You can change your life for better or for worse. And most importantly, you have the choice to take an opportunity, grab it by the cojones and run with it... Or you can let an opportunity pass you by and wait around while your hoping for the next one to fall in your lap. You need to choose your destiny. I understand that certain medical conditions cannot be prevented but so many of them can be and you might not even know it. It's proven that avoiding certain foods and/or substances can lead to much less of a risk of getting these conditions. With that said, you are probably here because you need inspiration and you have weight to lose. You may be like me and don't enjoy going to group meetings where someone weighs you and then everyone else talks about how they lost so much weight the past few weeks and you're sitting there silent thinking "yeah, I gained 3 pounds because my life sucks and I'm too busy to diet". Let's see who's done their reading...What did I say about dieting? "Dieting" DOES NOT EXIST - point blank, period. 
***http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diet This is the link for the merriam-webster's dictionary online. I searched the word diet and I found all the things I thought I would. Clink on the link and see what I saw... It will help you understand that "diet" should not be a word in your vocabulary.
***http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/change Now THIS is the link for the merriam-webster's online dictionary and here I searched the word change. Click the link and hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say this is all about a lifestyle change! The definistion that stuck the most in my opinion was, "to replace with another". PERFECT! Exactly... The goal is to take your current lifestyle and replace it with another one that is much healthier, leading to long-term results and not the dreaded ongoing diet after diet, after diet. Get it?

If I haven't completely lost or bored you by now then WELCOME TO PART 2(: And congratulations... You probably understand where I'm going from and want to change for the better!
On to another dreaded subject in the weight loss world... WEIGH INS! Before we get to far into this I'd like to put it out there that I used to weigh myself EVERY morning while I was wearing my birthday suit before I get in the shower. If you're wondering if I'm that crazy person that has a birthday everyday... DING!! DING!! DING!! DING!! You would be correct AND You've won $5000 Target gift card! Just kidding you're not on Ellen my friend. But a girl can dream, right? Someday.........
Anywhoozer, where were we? Ahh yes... My morning weigh ins. Okay! So, I've decided to only weigh myself once a week to avoid seeing the day to day fluctuation. Instead I will only be weighing myself once a week and I choose FRIDAY! I know, I know, most people choose Sundays, right? No, no. I choose Fridays because if I weigh myself Friday morning then I will know how much I've lost (or gained) in the past week and I've lost weight I can use the weekend to continue motivating myself and planning out my upcoming week. If I've gained weight for whatever reason I can use the weekend to gather my thoughts, maybe go over why I may have gained weight and get my head back in the game to stay focused and still plan for the upcoming week! Another good thing about only weighing myself once a week is that it'll dramatically cut down my morning getting ready time... Why? Because tell me you can put on your birthday suit and NOT have a 17 minute dance party... get real! 
So Fridays are the days that work best for me and my schedule but not everyone has the same schedule and hence why not EVERYTHING that works for one person will work for another. Really take a good look at your schedule and decide which day will be best for you and once you've done that you know that every week on that day you get up, drop off some lemonade babies and Hershey's kids off at the local pool, strip down to your birthday suit, get your activity on with a 17 minute dance party and step on that scale loud and proud. If you haven't done your initial weigh in then it's time... I don't care what day it is but tomorrow morning (or now if you JUST woke up) you my lovely lily are getting on that scale. You may not like what you see but you NEED a baseline and you need to know what your working with. Don't get depressed or discourage either, cause I know that's going to be you're body's natural first instinct! Use your power to change that negative energy into positive and use it to push forward and get your lifestyle change going! 

I will let you all know that with all of the things I've told you so far (that I've been using all on myself) I have lost 51 pounds so far. Started before I started this blog of course but regardless I'm trying to help you with sharing some of my experiences and knowledge with you. I can only hope you will put these things to good use.

Be sure to follow my blog to stay updated with new content, leave me comments and questions below and don't forget to pass it along to other people that you feel might like it or need a little inspiration!

Stay beautiful and as always,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Are you ready??

Hey guys!
Happy 4th of July!!<3 And a very special thank you to our troops past and present who fight everyday for our freedom and to keep us safe!

So first things first... I'm super duper excited about my 1st YouTube video based on this blog. The two are going to go hand in hand and be just about linked. When I new video is uploaded I will share it to here so all of you can see and view it easily. This was SO spur the moment! I literally took a shower, got into my pjs(just did my make-up), set a stack of books on my bed and filmed it on YouTube capture with my iPhone! The way I see it is if I didn't get the first one up and out of the way ( no matter how long, boring, low quality or babbly it was... I was never going to. It's like you're first work out might be when starting this new change in your life - you might not give it all you've got and it might seem boring to you.. But once you get into the swing of things nothing will be able to stop you!
Side note: I hope you guys enjoy anyways (: 

Tomorrow I will be getting up bright-eyed and bushy tailed and proceeding to get ready, cash my check, go pick up my friend Lauren from work and go get the bare necessities to REALLY kick off the process. I'll be shopping at whole foods for the best things I can get on a budget. Now going back to the money saving tips - after this I will be spending the rest of my evening writing out meal plans for the next two weeks to help me stay on budget AND on track (both things are super key right now - and always for that matter). Hopefully I will get some of the meal plans/ideas up for you guys in the next few days (after I try them) so you guys can try them too! 
Although I already know I am gluten sensitive, before today I would actually "cheat" at times either because I really wanted something or because there just wasn't anything else. Well, my gluten eating days are officially OVER - FOR GOOD! Gluten already makes me sick but even to people who don't have a sensitivity to wheat it is so damaging to you're body (and mind)! Luckily, I already cut out sodas and carbonated drinks in general because they make me sick. Glad I don't have to worry about that... But you should try cutting sodas out of your diet now (not necessarily all carbonated beverages). COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! Oh, how I used to be addicted to coffee.. But that doesn't make me feel well either so I stopped drinking that. Coffee can cause you to feel "laggy" or fatigued even more than before you drank it and can cause many other health issues. I personally am making the big switch to TEA! 
Another change I will be making has SO much to do with the portions, types of food I'll be consuming and trying new things. I'm going to try spinach again! (YUCK! LOL) I am also going to be opening my mind and trying new textures (which freaks me out tremendously), flavors and foods in general! Making the switch from lactaid milk to almond or coconut milk. Making the official switch from normal oils to coconut oil (EVOO will be okay for certain things). I'm also going to be eating 5-6 times a day as opposed to 3 times a day, or worse...1. Eating the right foods to keep my body going in the right direction with enough energy! I won't be starving myself by any means but instead changing the foods I would normally eat for something way different and honestly more satisfying!

A few new gadgets I will be investing in are:

  • A kettle bell
  • A stability ball
  • A jump rope
  • Some 15 or 20 pound weight
  • Yoga Mat
These will be for training at home in the morning or early evening (before I  get ready for work or when I get home - or both)

I will be posting workouts and recipes as well as tips, tricks, advice, support, motivation and MORE as we continue(:

As always,


Hey guys! 
SURPRISE! 1st vlog for our YouTube channel! I know it's long and kinda boring - but I'll get better :) Pinky promise!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Money Saving Tips!

Hey everyone! =D
It's Day #4 and I am SO super excited about today's post! Who doesn't like saving money or who doesn't need to save money in this world?
Now something you all need to know about changing your lifestyles for the better and living healthy is that there is usually a higher cost. Fresh meats, fruits, vegetables and healthier snack choices over the junky ones. I know for a fact that if you go into a grocery store you an get a box of those Little Debbie Nutter Butter bars or whatever they are for $1.50 or less and there's probably 6 or 8 packages (servings) within that box. A Chobani yogurt cost about the same price but is only for one serving! Let's look at some price comparisons from my local Stop & Shop current circular.

Coca-Cola (12-pack cans) 5/$11.00 - That's 60 cans of soda!
SALE: Poland Spring (24-pack bottles) 3/$11.00 -  72 bottles of water, WOO!

Lay's Potato Chips   ~$3.99 - BOGO
Seedless Watermelon (1) - $4.88

Barilla Pasta (1 lb. box) $0.88
Fresh Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (1 lb) $1.99

Pizza Rolls (15oz. Box) 4/$5.00
Fresh Strawberries (2 lb. container) $4.99

So this is just based on sale prices and not normal prices some of these items are pretty comparable. This is when it get's tricky - If you can get 4 boxes of Pizza rolls or 1 2 lb. container of strawberries for $5.00… which one will you choose?

Now that we've gone over some pricing… Let's talk about those tips!
I think it's UBER important to make a list before going to the grocery store. Something that’s helped me lately so I don't miss things is to actually use a magnet to hold a piece of paper on the fridge so when you run out of something during the week or think of something you need you can write it down right away. Making a list will help ensure you don't end up buying unnecessary items at the store and you can focus on what you need. Having a meal plan in place for the week will not only help you stay on track with your goals but will also help you make your shopping list much more effective. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten home from the store only to realize I've spent $150.00 and got quite a bit, but as I was putting them away I realized I didn't really have anything to make real "meals" out of… Learn from my mistakes - I have (:
Another tip is to get up early on Sunday morning and go get your local Sunday newspaper with the circular ads in it - or if you always go to the same store just go onto their website and chances are you can view it online.
One good thing about getting up early to get that paper is not only for the circulars but for the COUPONS! Coupons are so popular these days you can even  find them online and print them out at home. Other than the Sunday paper and online you can also sometimes get coupons buy going directly onto the manufacturer's website(although this can be time consuming if searching for many items)!
Try saving money in other areas so you have a little extra cash for groceries. If you use stop and shop you can accumulate points throughout the month on your rewards card and at some gas select gas stations you can get $0.10 off/gallon of gas for every 100 points (you get 1 point for every dollar spent).  If you shop at a Big Y, you can collect the infamous coins and select gas stations will take those for various amounts off of gallons of gas. Most grocery stores with rewards cards with print coupons at the end of your receipt as well so don't forget about them!

I hope these tips help you in some way and if you have any other questions or any other ideas on how to save money at the grocery store while trying to eat healthy please leave them in the comments. Remember to follow my blog to be updated and stay tuned in to my 30-days of blogging challenge and more!

As always,


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Believe in yourself

Hey guys! I just watched a very inspirational video on YouTube. It was of a girl named Jillian Jenson who was auditioning for the X-Factor.. Their was so many bullies back home for her and she cried through her whole performance. It was an extremely heartfelt performance-she put everything she had into it and it was truly amazing. This has now inspired me even more!
I remember being in school, and every year there was at least one time I was made fun of for being overweight.... Hell it was more than once-more times than I can count actually. To this day I don't forget any words said to me about my weight. So many people who didn't want to associate with me because of my weight and most would just give weird looks as I passed by. I usually never let anyone know how I really felt inside. And to this day I will break down crying at times and wish things would have gone differently.. Maybe I could've been dealt a different hand when I was born. I have more motivation than ever to meet me goals and feel good about myself because of all the bullies.
Remember... You're doing this for you and no one else. You have to want this more than anything! If you want to continue living life the way you are-be my guest because I'm not going to try to change you but I will be here for you when you choose to change. Just think.. When you meet your goals you can show all the people who used to bully you, call you names or would never look at you that you did it! You succeeded! If they were bullying you then they don't want you to have success. 
For all the people who told you you could never do it and to all the people who told you you'd never accomplish anything. If that's what you need on your head to drive you than use it to your advantage! But by all means please, please don't let someone into your life that only chooses they want to be there once you've accomplished your goals. Stay true to YOU and believe in yourself like I believe in you! 
While all the haters are walking around in Hollister and you're walking around in Lane Bryant just know that most of them never had to work their way into those clothes. And I'm not sure which store it was (hollister, American eagle or Aeropostale) that when asked why they didn't have clothes for plus sizes they came back with a comment on the lines of, "we don't have plus size clothes because we like to attract a cool, hip and trendy demographic and if people can't fit into out clothes then our clothes are not for them". For this purpose, I no longer haw respect for any of these stores because they all work the same way and all feel the same about the subject. Some people are overweight by choice and some people are overweight for things completely out of their control. However, even for the people that being overweight is "completely out of their control", can still usually make different choices to help make some changes. Although I will admit I was an excuse maker up until just the other day.
Stop being depressed as you pass by the clothing stores that hold all the clothes you've always wanted to wear! Start changing your life-set goals, make changes, meet goals, wear clothes of your dreams... It's time, so lets do this damn it! Don't let another opportunity pass by because that's called quitting before you even hit the starting line. 

Be sure to follow my blog to stay updated with new content, leave me comments and questions below and don't forget to pass it along to other people that you feel might like it or need a little inspiration!

As always,

All about Organic

Hey everyone(: - Day #3
So organic is another topic/lifestyle I said I would cover at another time. That time has come and truthfully I'm "pro-organic", but it's not the easiest thing to describe or  anything like that.  I will give my definition of organic and I will also post the USDA's definition of organic.

Organic to me is food that is food that is grown in different ways by farmers (as oppose to conventional farming). Organic foods are grown/processed using little to no fertilizers, pesticides, etc. You don't want chicken with rat poison in it, do you? Me either! I have to say, although I would like to be eating completely organic, I'm not. And I'm not because the cost of gluten free food is already high and organic food is no exception. You're definitely paying for quality and not quantity with both of these things. 
I try to buy as many things organic as possible, whether it be fruit juice, produce, meat, frozen dinners, and even boxed products. You'll find that these items don’t generally have all the extra preservatives, fillers and unnecessary ingredients that non-organic foods have. When I see the USDA Organic stamp of approval on something I buy it makes me feel damn good about it.

There are tons of great sites on organic products and living so I am going to link them below along with the USDA link. Just for this topic I feel that it would be better for you to get the straight facts from the websites and me just giving my opinion. That way if you really choose to go all or even partially organic - it's you're choice based on reading the most reliable sources possible. This is how I learned! Also, this is the only thing that is very hard for me to explain to someone else. Even though it's just on a computer.

USDA Organic

Mayo Clinic (Are organic foods safer or more nutritious?)

Organic Facts

Reader's Digest

I'm sure some of you will really have to sleep on this topic ;) I for one am SO excited about tomorrow's topic!


Monday, July 1, 2013

REALLY Meet Ariel and Inspiration!

Hey guys! I just realized I never formally introduced myself or told you guys anything about who I am! Shame on me... I know!
My name is Ariel Madison and I'm from a relatively small town of Massachusetts(USA) called Southbridge. I'm 21 years old and work full-time in a doctor's office. I love shopping, swimming, bowling, YouTube, music, NCIS, Law & Order, hanging out with friends or family, dancing and well... the list goes on! My favorite colors are pink, purple, yellow and lime green. I've been cutting and coloring my own hair for the past 5 years or so and recently taught myself how to do acrylic and gel nails on myself with cute designs. I love beauty, hair, make-up and fashion and hope to someday soon start a blog about those things too, but right now I need to focus on what's more important to me! I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet and I swear like a trucker. I've had a rough life so far but each new day I'm starting to see more positives than negatives. I have a huge heart and I'm completely obsessed with Jeeps. BTW - I'm extremely random. ;)

The reason I really decided to post something like this was because I feel like you guys should be able to have a picture in your mind of who's "talking" to you while you're reading my posts. Also, I want you to know that I'm not some skinny mini sitting behind a computer giving advice making it sound a lot easier than it actually is... Nothing irks me more than seeing someone who's never been overweight and has never had a problem with food/weight/health try to tell me what's going to work for me. I don't think so! Haha I'm a real woman with real problems. I currently stand 5 feet and 7 inches tall and weigh 256 pounds. Do I look like it? I think so. Although I have all this knowledge about health and fitness, I've struggled with weight my whole life and I want you to know that I'll be losing weight, changing my lifestyle and living healthy right along side of you. I've already really taken a loving to this new blogging experience... ALL day while I was at work all I could think about was, When can I go home so I can blog? I want to help you and myself in this journey. I can tell you upfront it won't be easy, but I can guarantee you it'll be worth it. Maybe health and fitness will become a career for me when I reach my goal... Maybe I'll write a book based on my blog... Who knows what the future holds! But I do know the future is in MY hands - no one else's. The same goes for you... You're future is in YOUR hands and certainly not the hands of the doctor doing a life changing stomach stapling surgery on you or on a pill that claims to "shed 10 pounds in one week". If you want to lose 10 pounds in one week you better be willing to work damn hard for it! Just know that I'll be here to help and support you the whole way, no matter what life throws at you! I know financial situations aren't easy, I know it's not easy to change your life and I sure as hell know that it's not easy to lose weight! As I said before...our time is now. If you're given the tools, the support and the resources you're left with NO excuses. You're looking for a chance and I'm giving it to you. If you don't take advantage of an opportunity like this because of whatever excuse you're going to come up with then your always going to have an excuse and you're going to have another excuse when your 68 years old on your death bed with heart failure because you decided that "today wasn't a good day". I'm not saying that heart failure and worse things can't happen to people who are healthy but there's certainly much less of a risk. Call me a bitch, call me rude, call me pushy.... I just want to help as many people as I can INCLUDING myself. About 6 years ago I watched my 500 pound grandfather go into the gastric bypass surgery with insulin dependent diabetes and it took him days to walk again after that. Shortly after that surgery my grandfather was maintaining at about 250 pounds with next to no diabetes and no insulin. I was so proud! October 15, 2012 I lost my 68 year old grandfather to heart failure because he didn't care and he waited to long to take action and he put off a valve replacement surgery for years. I don't want you to go through the same. I want you to beat the odds! Hell, I want to beat the odds! The obesity rate in the US(and other parts of the world) is climbing because we're letting companies push their foods on us because they taste so good.. You know what I think will taste good? Pure success and satisfaction knowing that I changed my life for the better and I did it MY way. 

If you have ANY questions feel free to leave them in the comments or if you're not comfortable with that you can e-mail me @ AJMadison10@gmail.com (Put "Healthy" as the subject) and I will get back to you ASAP! (: Let me help you, help me, help you!

As always,