Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting Back Up

Hey there! How's you're weight loss journey going? Have you fallen off track? I can tell you I've fallen off track...many times. Truth is there is no track specifically laid out for any one and to get through this journey and make it to the end you have to get down and dirty and make a path for yourself. Sometimes you might feel as though your weight has plateau'd, you may get discouraged if you don't see the pounds dropping as quickly as you'd liked or you "get off track". If you feel any of these things are happening to you, just know that's it's okay! If you feel as though you've plateau'd or you're not losing the weight as quickly as planned, first make sure you're setting realistic goals for yourself. As long as you are, then maybe a few tweaks have to be made. Are you being cautious of what you're eating? Are you aware of the difference between good carbohydrates and bad ones? Are you exercising? These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself when you're hitting a road block. Now, if you really feel as though you've fallen off track the first thing you'll need to do is sit back and remember that there really isn't one - you're in the process of making one! This is something that has taken me a little while to really understand. "Gotta get back on track", I keep saying... Wrong. "Gotta get back up" is what I should be saying, and what you should be saying as well. Maybe you've lost sight of your goals or got so wrapped up in life that you blame everything on being so busy and having no time. Painful reality is that if you don't make time, there will no longer be a busy life to live. I was very proud of myself today when I felt myself get back up - I know that I will not be home Monday through Wednesday this week for lunch so I have 3 salads and fruit for snacks ready to go. This way I have NO excuses. 
If you're anything like me and you just LOVE your bad carbs (pasta, bread, desserts, snacks) then this whole journey may be a little bit tougher... okay, a lot tougher. Just know that when this is all said and done and you've finally met your goal you will feel emotional, empowered and strong because although their may have been bumps in the road, you plowed your way through. 
Something you have to ask yourself is, How bad do you want this? No one can make you do something you don't want to do and you won't make it anywhere if your mind isn't in the right place. If you really, genuinely want to lose weight, get healthy and fit and stay that way you have to want to. Compare it to smoking... It doesn't matter if your on a patch, taking a pill or avoiding the convenience store as much as possible - if you're not in the right mindset and more importantly if you don't want to quit then you will continue with your bad habits until you are truly ready. 
I remember going to Weight Watchers meeting with my mom when I was younger. I had to get a note from the doctor saying that it was okay for me to go because I was in fact under the age limit and even then I weighed more than 1/2 the women there. Some people say getting on a scale in front of a stranger or in front of someone else forces them to face reality and stay focused. I say that it's degrading... A gold star on a bookmark looking thing for 5, 10 15, 20 pounds lost, etc. If I wanted to get on a scale in front of someone else and talk to someone about it while paying money every week, I could have just gone to my doctor's office (and probably paid less with my $20 co-pay). I do not mean this to down Weight Watchers because I know people that have been successful on the program whether it be going to meetings or strictly online, however I for one am not one who can count points on everything I eat. I know I'm not alone when I say I really don't like to count anything and considering I've lost 53 pounds thus far, I'm not going to start counting now. I am, however, aware of my nutrition labels which I look at before an item even goes in my grocery cart. Just because 100 calorie packs only have 100 calories doesn't mean their good for you... In fact they are terrible for you because normally they will accommodate for lost calories with added fat, sugar, sugar substitutes, etc. The best way to go when it comes to snacking (or eating your smaller meals) is to eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein. Just keep in mind that although fruits are oh so delicious and contain natural sugar, it is still sugar. 
So I guess this was slightly more rambly than I had planned, the moral is never give up because where there is a will, there is in fact, a way.
If you aspire to be an Olympic gymnast  and fall off the balance beam during practice, are you going to just sit on the mat or are you going to get back up and try again? ... I thought so.

As always,


**Please remember to follow my blog to stay updated on future posts and leave comments below with any questions you may have or stories you'd like to share :) I'd love to hear them.**

1 comment:

  1. Good inspiration. Especially about the gymnast. Great job on your weight loss. I know it is a battle....but just a battle....the WAR will be won!
