Another thing that was always happening to me is even if I felt that I was doing well by simply eating breakfast, I would always end up with that empty, hungry feeling all over again about an hour later. Once that happened it felt as if I couldn't catch up with my hunger no matter how much I ate or drank that day.
Well, today we are ALL saying ADIOS to those hungry and fatigued feelings that we have throughout the day by finding out how to start our days off the right way, and keep it that way!
#1) You MUST eat breakfast :)
I can feel the even stares now... "Yes, Ariel, we all know how important it is to eat breakfast!" But do you actually eat breakfast? Do you know the foods that are not only going to help keep your hunger satisfied as well as keep you alert and focused all while helping with your fat loss?
Breakfast is important because just as a car needs gas to move properly, so do we! Also, just like a car there's many parts to our bodies that all come together to make us work properly. Great analogy - I KNOW!
#2) Know which foods will help power your body.
I'm going to give you a list below of some of the foods that can help power your body with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, protein, etc. so that you can start your day off with a bang and have energy as well as help ditch the fatigue!
Citris Fruits (&Vitamin C) - There's several studies out there that prove the power of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). Studies show that Vitamin C may help treat allergy-related conditions such as asthma & eczema, boost immunity system functions, maintain healthy gums, decrease in blood sugar in people with diabetes and help reduce the effects of sun exposure such as a sunburn, just to name a few. Of course you can obtain Vitamin C from many other sources like broccoli, tomatoes, raw leafy greens, cranberries and cantaloupe however, in many cases just the smell of citrus can help increase your level of alertness.
Salmon - This super fish is JAM-packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, it's super lean and it's delicious! Because it's packed with Omega-3's it has the ability to help cognitive, behavioral and memory-related symptoms on top of it's other great health benefits. Also, don't stray away because it's a "fatty" acid; Understand that too many fats can lead to damage of your health, however, some fats are vital in maintaining good health and these types have many benefits!
Eggs - Eggs are rich in something called choline. Choline is part of the B-Vitamin family and was named after the greek word chole. It is found in not only the liver and pancreas, but also in every human cell! This vitamin has multiple benefits including energy replenishment, metbolism boosts and lowers inflammation. Eggs are also rich in protein, an amino acid that aids in proper growth and function of the body which can also help you stay fuller, longer.
Beans - Beans are full of cholecystokinin, a digestive hormone that is actually a natural appetite suppressant. This will help you feel full longer as well as give you more protein and B-vitamins to help keep you alert while keeping your blood sugar levels stable. In a study at the University of California at Davis, researchers state that a study of 8 men shows that their levels of cholecystokinin were twice as high after eating a meal containing beans than after a low-fiber meal.
Pears - These juicy babies (pears) are now noticed by the FDA for having 6 grams of fiber per medium-size fruit. Apples are now coming in at 2nd place with about 3 grams a piece. Pears (as well as apples) contain something called pectin fiber which aids in decreasing blood sugar levels, and because blood sugar spikes can cause you to feel hungry, this helps avoid snacking and the dreaded grumbly tummy! A Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks showed that overweight women who ate 3 pears or apples per day lost more weight than women who were on the same diet, but eating 3 oat cookies per day instead of the fruit.
#3) Ditch the COFFEE!
Okay, If you must have your coffee, at least have it in moderation and with a glass of water at the same time. Many times the first thing people want (and get) in the morning is a cup of coffee that they will devour. Too much coffee causes a surge in your metabolism followed by a CRASH. This isn't good for your metabolism, your fatigue or your body in general.
Generally, when you wake up you're already dehyrated, but coffee is actually a form of diuretic which can lead to further dehdration and thus, further fatigue. Not to mention that while coffee does seem to have a few pros, it is contraindicated in my opinion by many cons.
#4) H2O

After doing loads of research for this and even learning a few things myself today, I have come up with a delicious-sounding breakfast idea I think we should all try!
---->Scramble 2 eggs with your desired choice of seasoning and set aside when done. Saute black beans, onions, and peppers (spicy &/or sweet) - cook till soft (not mushy), add eggs back in and for a finishing touch add in a few cherry tomato halves! Serve with 1/2 grapefruit and Cucumber Lemon H2O.... VOILA!
I really hope you enjoyed today's topic & post... I know I had fun writing it!
As always,
**Please remember to follow me by clicking to the right of this post to be notified whenever I post something NEW! Also, leave any questions or comments you may have down below :)
There ya go! So much time and energy into your blog. I like that. And passion. Anyone else reading these blogs, let Ariel know what you are thinking, up or down. I must say that she hit a few nails on the head this time. I just cooked salmon last night, water is so important, I juice fresh OJ or Grapefruit each day, and I start the day with eggs. I must say I love my coffee, but have now reduced to one 8oz cup instead of 3. Let Ariel know how you are doing.....only takes a moment. "Here we Go".
ReplyDeleteWhat about those who are allergic to fruits and vegetables :)
ReplyDeleteTry REALLY hard not to be allergic. :) Start incorporating them slowly. What are you currently eating if no fruits or veggies? Will you eat ANY? If so, which ones?