The reason I really decided to post something like this was because I feel like you guys should be able to have a picture in your mind of who's "talking" to you while you're reading my posts. Also, I want you to know that I'm not some skinny mini sitting behind a computer giving advice making it sound a lot easier than it actually is... Nothing irks me more than seeing someone who's never been overweight and has never had a problem with food/weight/health try to tell me what's going to work for me. I don't think so! Haha I'm a real woman with real problems. I currently stand 5 feet and 7 inches tall and weigh 256 pounds. Do I look like it? I think so. Although I have all this knowledge about health and fitness, I've struggled with weight my whole life and I want you to know that I'll be losing weight, changing my lifestyle and living healthy right along side of you. I've already really taken a loving to this new blogging experience... ALL day while I was at work all I could think about was, When can I go home so I can blog? I want to help you and myself in this journey. I can tell you upfront it won't be easy, but I can guarantee you it'll be worth it. Maybe health and fitness will become a career for me when I reach my goal... Maybe I'll write a book based on my blog... Who knows what the future holds! But I do know the future is in MY hands - no one else's. The same goes for you... You're future is in YOUR hands and certainly not the hands of the doctor doing a life changing stomach stapling surgery on you or on a pill that claims to "shed 10 pounds in one week". If you want to lose 10 pounds in one week you better be willing to work damn hard for it! Just know that I'll be here to help and support you the whole way, no matter what life throws at you! I know financial situations aren't easy, I know it's not easy to change your life and I sure as hell know that it's not easy to lose weight! As I said before...our time is now. If you're given the tools, the support and the resources you're left with NO excuses. You're looking for a chance and I'm giving it to you. If you don't take advantage of an opportunity like this because of whatever excuse you're going to come up with then your always going to have an excuse and you're going to have another excuse when your 68 years old on your death bed with heart failure because you decided that "today wasn't a good day". I'm not saying that heart failure and worse things can't happen to people who are healthy but there's certainly much less of a risk. Call me a bitch, call me rude, call me pushy.... I just want to help as many people as I can INCLUDING myself. About 6 years ago I watched my 500 pound grandfather go into the gastric bypass surgery with insulin dependent diabetes and it took him days to walk again after that. Shortly after that surgery my grandfather was maintaining at about 250 pounds with next to no diabetes and no insulin. I was so proud! October 15, 2012 I lost my 68 year old grandfather to heart failure because he didn't care and he waited to long to take action and he put off a valve replacement surgery for years. I don't want you to go through the same. I want you to beat the odds! Hell, I want to beat the odds! The obesity rate in the US(and other parts of the world) is climbing because we're letting companies push their foods on us because they taste so good.. You know what I think will taste good? Pure success and satisfaction knowing that I changed my life for the better and I did it MY way.
If you have ANY questions feel free to leave them in the comments or if you're not comfortable with that you can e-mail me @ AJMadison10@gmail.com (Put "Healthy" as the subject) and I will get back to you ASAP! (: Let me help you, help me, help you!
As always,
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